InGeek CulturebyJairam R PrabhuLesser-Known Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Daily LifeExplaining various applications of Machine Learning and AIJun 28, 202143Jun 28, 202143
InDataDrivenInvestorbyJairam R PrabhuAADHAR- India’s Digital Identity and World’s Largest Biometric SystemAs said in the title, Aadhar policy which had attracted a lot of attention in the International Stage is the world’s largest Biometric…Oct 20, 20186Oct 20, 20186
InTech BridgebyJairam R PrabhuThe future of the automobile industry- Autonomous VehiclesWe discuss about autonomous cars, the technology that drives them and the possible future awaiting us.Dec 7, 20195Dec 7, 20195
InMUNner’s DailybyJairam R PrabhuHow to Do Proper Research?As we mention research, it will be basically a Model UN-based research we are talking about. But even if you are out of domain, feel free…Feb 22, 202030Feb 22, 202030
Jairam R PrabhuIntroduction to Quantum Computing and peripheralsComputing means the act of doing a computation or solving a problem. Generally, we solve the problems manually or with the help of…Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
InIETE SF MECbyJairam R PrabhuThe Basics of Digital MarketingDigital Marketing, basic Search Engine working, terminologies, SEO, Content Marketing, Social media management, Online Ads, Email marketingJun 11, 202026Jun 11, 202026
InPaperKinbyJairam R PrabhuAre we safe online?With lockdown was initiated in India- Zoom, Google Meet, Messenger, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Webex is the buzz everywhere. No one knew what…Jun 18, 20206Jun 18, 20206
InIETE SF MECbyJairam R PrabhuIntroduction to Optical CircuitsOptical circuits, electronics, light, communication.Jul 2, 202019Jul 2, 202019
InIETE SF MECbyJairam R PrabhuEverything about the lesser-known field of PhotogrammetryWhat is photogrammetry? What is it used for? Are there any softwares for it?Oct 20, 202015Oct 20, 202015
InIEEE MEC SBbyJairam R PrabhuWhat is Distributed Energy ResourcesDER- Introduction, Production, Transmission, Distribution, Storage, Applications, Renewable Energy, Smart Meters, Smart Grid Technology.Nov 28, 202012Nov 28, 202012
InDataDrivenInvestorbyJairam R PrabhuBeiDou — China Completes Building Its Own GPS, The Third Country to Have SoChina’s new initiative is rivalling the GPS of the United States in the Asia Pacific Region.Feb 27, 202122Feb 27, 202122